Legos. All of our kids absolutely love them, but our six year old could sit and work with Legos for hours on end. When he decided on having a Lego party, we weren't too surprised.

I started making my lists first. Are you obsessive about lists like my family? My sisters and I inherited the list-making gene from our mom and it is strong. Lists for everything. I usually have at least four lists when planning parties:
-Party details (decorations, menu, activities)
-Shopping list (sorted by store, including estimated costs)
-Party setup (including menu items and coordinating serving/display pieces)
-Day-of schedule (list of to-dos for the day to be ready on time...which I never seem to be, despite the lists)
It's probably a little crazy, I realize. But it helps keep me organized and keep me on budget!
Shopping day is always my favorite, especially when it includes a trip to Michaels. Can we talk about Michaels for a minute? Anything and everything you need to craft and create, plus fun decor, cute gifts and...have you seen their Halloween section?? Add their 40% off any item and the bonus 20% off entire purchase coupons and it's just heaven. I picked up everything I needed and headed home to get started on some party details.
They have silicone Lego molds on Amazon, which I was talking with my mom about the week before the party. Two days later, they magically arrived on my doorstep. Thank you so much, Mom! I had a few different plans for these, so I was really excited to have eight of them to work with! I made some jello and poured it into several molds. While those were setting, I made white chocolate candies, colored red, blue and yellow to accent the cake and cupcakes. With the remaining molds, I ended up making Lego crayons for the favor bags. The chocolates and crayons turned out great! The jello- not so much. It never set well enough to come out of the molds in one piece.
Thankfully, the grocery store had jello cubes which I layered by color in a glass bowl on the food table. The food was very minimal, as we had a late afternoon party. Aside from the jello blocks, we had white cheddar popcorn, mini club crackers with little rectangular cheeses, fruit, cupcakes and Lego head marshmallow pops. My mother in law came up with and constructed the block displays, which made the table!
Thanks to Pinterest, I found these cute Lego printables, which I added to the cake/beverage table. I printed this Lego birthday banner, cut each letter out and used the adhesive foam dots to attach them to red card stock pieces. I hung the finished banner behind the cake table.
I printed a plain Lego guy on white card stock and included a few Lego crayons in a cellophane bag. I also added a small bag of Skittles and a bag of basic Lego bricks. I found the Lego movie masks which my mom thankfully printed and cut for me! Two of my sweet friends added the elastic and we tucked a mask into each favor bag. I added a small tag to each using this template for the Lego guy and added our own wording, thanking the kids for coming to the party.

We didn't end up having many planned activities, and I completely forgot about one of them! I saw the idea to have the kids guess how many Legos are in the jar, which I put together and set out. I just forgot to take down the kids' guesses!
The other activity I thought would be fun was decorating their own Lego cookies. I used my favorite sugar cookie recipe and hand cut different shapes to look like Lego bricks. I made royal icing, colored it red, yellow and blue and set out small cups of it with little spoons for decorating. I set out some mini M&Ms for the kids to use as the studs on top of the cookie "bricks."
I thought the Lego guy's head would be pretty easy for the cake. I baked four 6" round yellow cakes, stacking three and using the fourth to cut and create the stud for the top. I did a crumb coat, let it sit in the fridge overnight and then frosted a final layer of yellow icing. I added the little face and the Lego cake was finished. Have I mentioned that I am not a professional cake artist?? Obviously! Yikes. While it wasn't as even or smooth as I had envisioned, our birthday boy was excited about it, which is all that really matters.

I can not believe how fast these kids are growing. I am trying my best to hang on to these days when they aren't "too cool" to do fun things like wear Harry Potter glasses all day, everywhere. He wore these for almost the entire party, which I just love.
It ended up being a really fun day for our birthday boy and I am so thankful for our friends and family for helping to make it all happen. Everything was awesome!

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