Guys, this transition truly had me terrified. My little guy turned two in December and I knew there were two big steps steadily approaching; big boy bed and...potty training. To be perfectly honest, I got ambitious some time ago and purchased a potty for him, as well as pull ups, matching stickers and some fancy character undies. Yeah, that task has since been tabled, as the interest Colin has in that is mostly none. I'm fine with that, since he's still fairly young right now. But I definitely felt like he was needing to move on from the crib.
I'll preface this decision with several facts about this guy. One, he has slept well and through the night since he was around four months old. I know, the kid is a unicorn and believe me, we are extremely grateful. On top of that, he has always slept in his bed, much to his mommy's dismay. I love cuddling this boy and he will, to a point. But when it comes to sleeping, he wants his own space and uses it all! I still try to nap with him and he'll lay there for a bit, but always insists on "Cah-in's bed." Two, he has never slept well in a pack and play. I'm not sure what the aversion is, given how well he sleeps in his crib, but he just will not do it.
Needless to say, these issues have had me so nervous to make any type of change regarding his sleeping habits. But, I also know he won't be two forever and the change needed to happen sooner, rather than later. And so, I started researching easy transitions, top recommendations and steps that help make this transition easier. As we all know, each child is different, but I wanted to share my experience and hope that maybe it will help some of you!
My sweet boy was fairly unimpressed when I started talking about changing his crib into a Big Boy Bed. But at this age, I think they need to see or feel it to really appreciate something. He, of course agreed that changing his bed would be cool and the interest was created, but not to any excited degree. I knew I would need something more to get him invested.
And so, on a quiet Thursday morning at the office, I found myself on Amazon searching for incentive to play it up. My boy is currently obsessed with Star Wars. I know, you're wondering "who isn't?" with all of the attention that franchise is getting currently. But this love grew from a cartoon on the Disney channel, Star Wars Rebels. I'm talking light sabers, Jedi's in training and a droid that resembles a wheeled garbage can (NOT R2D2). Anyway, I figured Ezra and Chopper might really get him into the idea and ordered him a blanket, sheets, a plush Chopper and matching jammies right then (Side Bar - why don't they make cute character sheets in crib mattress size?? Most cribs convert these days and even toddler beds have the smaller mattresses as well. So WHY are they impossible to find? Ok, rant complete.) Then I went home and planted that seed in his brain. "Buddy, you are gonna have a Chopper bed! Won't that be SO fun?!"
The following weekend, I set out to convert his crib. I brought all of the tools I thought I'd need and Col followed me up there. When he saw that I was working on his bed, he insisted on helping and asked if I could bring up his tools (a children's set he received for his birthday). As you can imagine, I was thrilled that he wanted to be a part of the process and he absolutely loved it. He was so proud! While you're in there, please make sure you child proof, so that when your child does get out of bed to play (because they will), they will be safe (furniture stabilizers, child-proof doorknobs, outlet covers, etc.)
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Once the big boy bed was complete, I placed the blanket (the only piece of the set that we had received by then) on and decided to go all in and start during his nap that day. I have read that it's better to start at nap time, as it doesn't disrupt your sleep as well as theirs. And initially he seemed to think the idea was great too...
Now, I knew I should go into this being supportive of such a big change for my little guy. So, we went through the normal routine before naps/bed with stories, rocking and snuggling. And then I told him that he was going to sleep in his big boy bed. Yeah...he sure did hop right back out of there, because he could. My last few steps tend to intertwine here. I have to admit, this was extremely frustrating. I had to remind myself how new this was to him and how children tend to test limits in order to learn them. That said, I think I must have put him back in his bed 47 times that afternoon. I laid on the floor below his bed and then finally told him that I was going to leave. Turns out I should have done that MUCH sooner. Initially, he stayed in there and I legitimately thought he was asleep. Don't fall for that one on day one. (Please forgive the picture of my monitor and it's deceptive picture!)
Roughly two minutes later, he was up and out of view, but I decided that since his room is child-proofed, this would have to be ok until he laid back down. I'm not entirely sure how long it lasted but he played quietly and ended up like this:
As for the night time routine, there was still lots of delaying, but it has significantly improved through the week. I can say that he has successfully slept in there for naps and over night since with only a small hiccup (which happened to be my fault). Against his will, he woke up the first few nights because he was half on the bed and feet on the floor. You see, Mommy is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and set the safety bar on the wrong end of the bed, thus allowing him to roll his way on out accidentally. Brilliant, Kate.
Once the rest of the set came in and mommy put two and two together and flipped the mattress and bedding, problem averted! This is my proud toddler in his big boy bed that he helped "build." Now fingers crossed that potty training will be equally smooth for all of us!
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