Thursday, October 29, 2015

Haunted Graham Cracker Houses

Haunted graham cracker houses are one of my favorite little projects to do with the kids this time of year. They are similar to the gingerbread houses we do at Christmastime, but made with chocolate graham crackers and decorated with Halloween candy! We have been making them every year since our oldest two were around two and three years old. They are really easy and so much fun to make!

The kids love them because they can decorate them however they would like...while sampling the ingredients as they go, of course.

We started doing these before the days of Pinterest, which is probably a really good thing for me. Only because I would want to try to recreate things which would likely fail. Have you seen those elaborate, gorgeous gingerbread haunted mansions? Yeah. That's not what we're doing here. At all.

This is one of the first projects I worked on with the kids that I learned is a lot more fun when I stop trying to micromanage. I help them get their basic structure together but then I let them go crazy.

I always love seeing what their imaginations dream up. Black licorice trees, orange gumball pumpkins, marshmallow ghosts, candy corn fences, Oreo gravestones and graham cracker crumb dirt.

I like to have everything set out so they can see what they have and so they can reach it all easily. This year, we invited friends to join us so I made sure to set up ingredients on each side of the table. It's not a bad idea to have a plastic tablecloth down for this one. Trust me. It is also really helpful, if you have more than one kiddo working on these at a time, to be sure they each have their own piping bag (or plastic baggie) of royal icing. This way, you won't hear "May I have the icing now" which quickly turns into "Hey! I need the icing! Gimme that!" around here.

I put together a list of materials/ingredients we have used in the past that work well but the great thing is that you can use just about anything to make your very own...

Haunted Graham Cracker Houses

-Chocolate Graham Crackers (walls/roof)
-Sugar Cones (roof)
-Graham Cracker Crumbs (dirt)
-Royal Icing (the "glue" to hold everything)
-Candy Corn (fence)
-Marshmallows (ghosts)
-Orange Gumballs (pumpkins)
-Reese's Pieces (house decor)
-Oreo Cookies, halved (gravestones)
-Black Licorice Twizzlers (trees)
-Hot tamales
-Gummy worms/bears
-Mini chocolate chips
-Halloween sprinkles

When they started they were taking their time, working very carefully on their little houses. After weighing them down with pounds of candy, and globs of thick icing their houses were definitely looking a bit more, um...dilapidated than when they started...definitely spooky!

After they finished their houses, we headed outside to run around and burn off some sugar while the icing set. When we came back inside, the boys did another quick Fall/Halloween project I had set up.

I keep seeing these cute little paper towel roll bats pop up on my Pinterest feed. They look simple enough so I gathered up the materials and let them get to work. We glued black construction paper around a section of a paper towel roll first. Then we cut wings, fangs and eyes from foam paper and glued those on. That was it! We forgot to fold the ears in at the top before the picture, but they were having too much fun flying them all around the house!

We were so happy to have our friends with us for this little project this year. I hope it's something all of the kids will remember and want to do every year!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Pampering Spaaahh Baby Shower

Becoming a mommy for the first time was quite possibly one of the best things that have ever happened to me.  I never knew I was capable of such intense feeling, until they laid Colin on my chest in the delivery room.  Frankly, I lost my mind and have been head over heels ever since.

You can imagine how excited I was when one of my closest friends, Jessica found out that she was pregnant with her first baby!  I was so thrilled to welcome her to the mommy club, but as is the norm, she was understandably nervous about all that she was about to go through.  So, my dear friends and I decided that we would throw her a shower that would not only provide her with the things she and baby would need, but also help to relax her before his arrival.

Jessica and her hosts L to R, Amanda, Randy, Kate & Kim (Randy and Kim were not able to be there day-of, but they were part of the planning all the way through!)

With relaxation and baby boy’s nursery colors in mind, I set to work coming up with a cute logo for our “Spa.”  I wanted to create something simple that would invoke the spa atmosphere, but personalized for Jess.

Logo complete and ready to be applied generously to all of our party details, I began the invitations.  One of my gracious co-hosts, Amanda bravely offered to have the shower at her home (despite the fact that we intended to have self-service spa sessions) and the guest of honor chose a lazy Saturday afternoon.  Setting perfection.  Of course, I made sure the invites included her registry information, but Amanda had a great plan on an additional fun inclusion for them; a diaper raffle!  Totally brilliant idea from the four time mom, in order to build up Jessica’s supply for when baby arrives.  I think all mommies know that one of the most expensive things a baby needs are DIAPERS (and lots of them).  Guests were encouraged to bring along a package of diapers for entry into a prize-winning drawing.  They turned out to be pretty adorable:

Once the invitations were out, I hit my usual spots for ideas; Pinterest, Hobby Lobby, Amazon, Home Goods and yes, Dollar Tree (I’m NOT loaded, y’all).  Amanda was working on the menu and decorations, while I concentrated on activities and favors.  There would be spa stations, and the raffle, as well as BINGO that centered around Jess' gift opening.  These girls would be taken care of!

We wanted to set up small self-service spa stations for the guests around a large table.  This would allow them to socialize, as well as pamper themselves in the same area.  We set up two stations each for facials, manicures and pedicures around Amanda's dining room table (See?  BRAVE)
I wanted the ladies to be well-supplied while they pampered themselves, so I decided to do a "pamper me bar."  Through the years I've been doing parties, I've accumulated quite the collection of jars and vases for bars such as this, so those supplies were on hand.  The spa supplies were another story entirely.  And so, I began with a site that I had used several times before,  They are priced unbelievably for a non-licensed commoner, such as myself and that is very appreciated!  Amazingly, while browsing, I discovered a collection I had never heard of before...ready for it?  Jessica Cosmetics.  Yep, her very own name.  I found the perfect signature shade that not only matched our theme, but also had "boy" in the title!

Supplied with two dozen of these, matching moisturizers and base and top coats, I dove into the accessories which I knew would be needed to complete each girls' service.  Armed with coordinating favor bags with logo stickers, the girls could pick and choose what they liked and take home treats for further spa treatments at home.  

As I planned more, I was more confident with the task at hand and decided to do some additional crafting for the "bar."  This can prove to be a great idea...or a sad failure.  In my case, there was a little of both!  The three that made it to the table were the Kool Aid Lip Balms (done in Blue Raspberry Lemonade flavor/color), the Creaseless Hair Ties (in matching aqua and gray) and the Homemade Bath Salts (colored aqua and displayed in individual tubes).

And of course, my beautiful, sad little failure...the Bath Bombs.  This may seem like an easy DIY, but I can assure you, for the girl who skipped over Chemistry in high school and avoided it in college like the plague, it is not.  I followed the directions exactly, with one adjustment (which is listed in the instructions as an IF).  I added more water, since they seemed too dry.  DON'T add more water or your bombs will be ruined, as evidenced by the photo below (courtesy of my husband and captioned "Nailed it!").  Even perfectionists with OCD fail sometimes!

Needless to say, the bath bombs were eliminated from the final cut.  I'm fairly certain no one missed these horrifying things.

As the day came closer, Amanda had assembled a banner, framed some adorable printables to display around the shower and mastered another craft I failed on a previous occasion (Stained Glass Votives-hers were done in aqua)!

The printables were so cute, I have to share and give credit to the designers!

Perfect Gift, Little Boy, Colby K & Relax

Decorations and spa stations set, we went to two grocery stores and began prepping food.  This of course, had to keep with the theme and with Amanda's expertise in cookie frosting and melon slicing, we had some lovely results!  We put out "rolled towel" turkey wraps, fruit cups, cheese and crackers and made sure we had some sweets.  The table below housed the coordinating Lindt truffles, "cucumber" cookies, aqua frosted cupcake minis and the "nail file" wafer cookies.

And as is necessary when lots of women assemble to celebrate a new baby, we served a bit of champagne (with OJ and Blue Curacao),  The Mimosa Moons were a hit and matched perfectly, though we did have to call for emergency refill supplies!

The day was a huge success and Jess went home with tons of goodies off her registry, as well as diapers to last for quite some time.  I'm pretty sure she will still be using them for months to come!  The girls helped pamper her and give her a day to remember long after Colby made his debut.  Having a newborn is not exactly relaxing, but I know her life is changed forever in only the best way.  And I'm beyond thankful that we were the ones to honor her as she waited for him.  Love you Jessie!

Jess' sweet boy, Colby (isn't he JUST??!!)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Everything is Awesome! Lego Party

Legos. All of our kids absolutely love them, but our six year old could sit and work with Legos for hours on end. When he decided on having a Lego party, we weren't too surprised.

I found this Lego invitation, which I personalized and ended up sending electronically via Paperless Post. They are my new favorite. They offer paper or online invitations, cards and stationery, plus a custom event page to keep track of guests' responses.

I started making my lists first. Are you obsessive about lists like my family? My sisters and I inherited the list-making gene from our mom and it is strong. Lists for everything. I usually have at least four lists when planning parties:
-Party details (decorations, menu, activities)
-Shopping list (sorted by store, including estimated costs)
-Party setup (including menu items and coordinating serving/display pieces)
-Day-of schedule (list of to-dos for the day to be ready on time...which I never seem to be, despite the lists)
It's probably a little crazy, I realize. But it helps keep me organized and keep me on budget!

Shopping day is always my favorite, especially when it includes a trip to Michaels. Can we talk about Michaels for a minute? Anything and everything you need to craft and create, plus fun decor, cute gifts and...have you seen their Halloween section?? Add their 40% off any item and the bonus 20% off entire purchase coupons and it's just heaven. I picked up everything I needed and headed home to get started on some party details.

I saw a cute idea to make paper gift bags look like Lego bricks so I started working on those first. It couldn't have been any easier. I used my 1 1/5" circle punch and cut six circles for each bag from coordinating colored card stock. I attached the circles to the bags with adhesive foam dots and that was it!

They have silicone Lego molds on Amazon, which I was talking with my mom about the week before the party. Two days later, they magically arrived on my doorstep. Thank you so much, Mom! I had a few different plans for these, so I was really excited to have eight of them to work with! I made some jello and poured it into several molds. While those were setting, I made white chocolate candies, colored red, blue and yellow to accent the cake and cupcakes. With the remaining molds, I ended up making Lego crayons for the favor bags. The chocolates and crayons turned out great! The jello- not so much. It never set well enough to come out of the molds in one piece.

Thankfully, the grocery store had jello cubes which I layered by color in a glass bowl on the food table. The food was very minimal, as we had a late afternoon party. Aside from the jello blocks, we had white cheddar popcorn, mini club crackers with little rectangular cheeses, fruit, cupcakes and Lego head marshmallow pops. My mother in law came up with and constructed the block displays, which made the table!

Thanks to Pinterest, I found these cute Lego printables, which I added to the cake/beverage table. I printed this Lego birthday banner, cut each letter out and used the adhesive foam dots to attach them to red card stock pieces. I hung the finished banner behind the cake table.

I printed a plain Lego guy on white card stock and included a few Lego crayons in a cellophane bag. I also added a small bag of Skittles and a bag of basic Lego bricks. I found the Lego movie masks which my mom thankfully printed and cut for me! Two of my sweet friends added the elastic and we tucked a mask into each favor bag. I added a small tag to each using this template for the Lego guy and added our own wording, thanking the kids for coming to the party.

We didn't end up having many planned activities, and I completely forgot about one of them! I saw the idea to have the kids guess how many Legos are in the jar, which I put together and set out. I just forgot to take down the kids' guesses!

The other activity I thought would be fun was decorating their own Lego cookies. I used my favorite sugar cookie recipe and hand cut different shapes to look like Lego bricks. I made royal icing, colored it red, yellow and blue and set out small cups of it with little spoons for decorating. I set out some mini M&Ms for the kids to use as the studs on top of the cookie "bricks."

I thought the Lego guy's head would be pretty easy for the cake. I baked four 6" round yellow cakes, stacking three and using the fourth to cut and create the stud for the top. I did a crumb coat, let it sit in the fridge overnight and then frosted a final layer of yellow icing. I added the little face and the Lego cake was finished. Have I mentioned that I am not a professional cake artist?? Obviously! Yikes. While it wasn't as even or smooth as I had envisioned, our birthday boy was excited about it, which is all that really matters.

I can not believe how fast these kids are growing. I am trying my best to hang on to these days when they aren't "too cool" to do fun things like wear Harry Potter glasses all day, everywhere. He wore these for almost the entire party, which I just love.

It ended up being a really fun day for our birthday boy and I am so thankful for our friends and family for helping to make it all happen. Everything was awesome!

Friday, October 16, 2015

A Cup of Coffee and A Really Good Book

As the cold weather starts coming, there is one thing that I know I will look forward to beyond cute new boots, Pumpkin Spice everything and the approaching holiday season; curling up with a good book, a cup of coffee and blanket and getting lost in the story.  Now, that sounds totally dreamy.  But if you want the real picture: Colin’s favorite V-Tech cars are all chattering in unison while he crashes them, I’m in ratty jammies, my hair in what my husband refers to as “sumo” style, my blanket is speckled with dog hair, my mug has a manufacture date of 1980 (and is by far my favorite Christmas mug of all time), the coffee is NOT Starbucks :), and my “book” is on my Kindle Fire.  Nonetheless, BLISS.  There is just something special about the escape you get within the pages, without having to leave what is real.

From a very young age, my parents nurtured our love of reading.  We had quite a collection in each of our rooms, as well as in the playroom. I was definitely the girl, even through high school, that stayed up WAY too late reading. 

So I knew when I was expecting Colin that I wanted books to be an important part of his childhood.  Even as my mother and sisters planned my baby shower, I requested that books be made a part of it.  As is becoming more and more common, the invitations suggested that the guests arrive with a children’s book in lieu of a card.  Seems like such a little thing, but we ended up with a great start to his amazing collection (as well as sweet personalized book plates to label each one). 

I started reading to him when he was teeny and we have developed a routine each evening that includes at least three stories.  He certainly has his favorites, but what’s unbelievable to me is I can see him learning each time, despite the fact that he doesn’t read them himself.  Words, letters, pictures; he can identify them all.  And he truly enjoys it.  When we changed my home office into his playroom (as need required after back-to-back first birthday and Christmas), I had to find a bin large enough to house the books that he wanted to look at regularly.  Love that my boy enjoys books as much as I do!

“Your face is my heart Sassenach, and the love of you is my soul.”
― Diana GabaldonDrums of Autumn

And now that you know my love for books in general, please allow me to acquaint you with the best series of books that I’ve ever read.  Hands down.  {Let me interject here that I loved the Harry Potter series, read the Hunger Games, Sookie Stackhouse, Twilight and Divergent series and NONE of them compare.}  In 2006, my family gathered at a cabin in Blue Ridge, Georgia to celebrate our second Christmas.  Upon hearing reviews of Outlander by Diana Gabaldon from a co-worker, my mom thought it sounded like something I might be interested in and gifted it to me.  Now, I’ve always been an avid reader and am a completely hopeless romantic, but this book exceeded my every expectation.  That said, when I read the back cover, the theme seemed a bit far-fetched, even to me.  I started reading between board games and karaoke and on the second day found myself having trouble stopping.  The entire rest of our trip was spent stealing moments and getting yelled at to “put the book away, Kate!”  I was irrevocably hooked and finished the entire book that weekend. 

The story begins in 1945 and centers on the resilient female hero and Army nurse, Claire Randall.  As the war ends, she and her new husband are in Scotland on a repeat honeymoon, as the war has kept them apart since their wedding.  Around 65 pages in, Claire is accidentally transported through time.  COME BACK!!  See, this is the point where lots of people lose interest.  Seriously, I have recommended this series to numerous friends and family members.  Some have become equally addicted, but the select few that have not, seem to get stuck at this point (I’m talking to you Annie Dorsey and Virginia Davidson!).  I urge you, read on, you will not regret it.

So, the story continues in the Scottish highlands circa 1743.  The story follows Claire as she tries to figure out how exactly she arrived where and when she is.  She is taken in by the McKenzie clan and learns to live in this time, all the while plotting to get back to her husband in 1945.  Because she can’t explain how or where she came from, even her hosts are suspicious of her and therefore hold her there.  She does, however, find an ally in the McKenzie’s groom, Jamie.   Diana gifted the world when she wrote Jamie Fraser.  He is the ultimate male specimen; young, strong and prepossessing, educated, kilted, accented and passionate.  He may call her a derogatory term (Sassenach or Outlander), but I assure you; he does not mean it so.  It is meant as a fully endearing pet name.  One can hardly blame Claire for falling for him, especially given what they endure together.

Now, I am not a proponent for adultery, in fact quite the opposite.  But, I’m sure my brief synopsis leaves you wondering about Claire’s lovelorn husband in 1945.  Well, let me say, you will leave him by the wayside too, once you meet Jamie.  I say “meet” because this is one of those types of stories that draws you so far in, that you feel like you know the characters and can relate to them, fictional character or no.  But what is so beautiful about the series is the romance between Jamie and Claire (fair warning - in the bedroom and out).   I have yet to come across a love story such as theirs that has captivated me so entirely.  I mean “your face is my heart...?”  REALLY???? Not Edward and Bella, not Romeo and Juliet and certainly not the loathsome Ana and Christian.  Without giving the story away, they go through plenty of ups and downs, but manage to come through it all together.  The book flies though and keeps you involved to the end.  In fact, you will find yourself fumbling for the next in the series immediately.  There are eight in all (plus two companions with fun facts, as well as side stories about smaller characters), but there is talk of a ninth in the making!
If you find yourself with a book hangover:

Take comfort in the following few options:  There is now a television series based on the books and produced by Diana herself.  It does not keep exactly to every storyline, but is quite impressive.  Starz is well worth the extra money for the season, especially thanks to Sam Heughan, who plays Jamie.  It’s rather graphic in several ways, but enthralling!
There will be another book in the series.  And, if you search the internet, you will find PLENTY of Outlander-related merchandise that will make the time less painful.  I have accumulated a few items through the years and am not afraid to admit it.  You can, in fact purchase a replica of Claire’s wedding band (with the same engraving that Jamie had done).  Another gift on a cabin visit for me and one of my favorites!  My sisters know me well and have given me both personalized, signed book plates, as well as a shirt that labels me “Lady” of Jamie’s family’s estate.   You’re jealous!

Claire's ring

Lady Lallybroch

Or, if you’re extreme, these items are a small sampling of what else is out there!

All I can say is that if you enjoy reading and you are in need of a great book to lose yourself in, start with Outlander.  Read past the first hundred pages, and keep going!  You will thank me, I promise.  Every time my husband sees me with my Kindle, he asks if I’m reading about Jamie again.  Nearly every time, the answer is yes.  I would guess I’ve read all eight books at least three times.   I’m currently on book 3 and am just as lost in it as every other time.  It is gripping, whether you’ve read it before or not.  Do yourself a favor and grab a cozy blanket, a Starbucks and book 1.  You’re welcome.
Special thanks to Dawn and Mom for bringing Jamie into my world.  Thanks to Diana for every part of the series, especially Jamie.  And thanks to for the hilarious and true reading anecdotes.